Students are expected to take pride in their appearance and to always dress neatly. The local community and the Board of Trustees (their elected representatives) expect this, and we seek the full co -operation of all parents and students.
Please see the School Rules and Regulations in regards to matters such as hair length, facial hair, tattoos and jewellery.
- CLOTHING AND OTHER PERSONAL ITEMS MUST BE CLEARLY NAMED - including bags, shoes, lunchboxes and Hop Cards. Unnamed items cannot be identified and returned to their owners. Students need to take responsibility for their uniform and not leave items such as jackets and jumpers lying around.
- THE CORRECT FOOTWEAR MUST BE WORN AT ALL TIMES - the only exception to this is if a student has a foot injury which makes the wearing of the correct shoes impossible. In this case the student should take a note from their parent/guardian to their Dean before school. For short term issues, the Dean may issue a uniform pass. For long term issues, students must wear approved shoes designed for injured feet or feet needing extra support.
- ONLY A WESTLAKE BOYS HIGH SCHOOL JACKET can be worn as protection from the rain. Non-uniform jackets, sweatshirts and hoodies are NOT permitted at any time for years 9-13. The WBHS rain jacket is not to be worn instead of the Blazer.
- YEAR 13 are required to wear a specific year 13 tie, and appointed prefects a specific prefects tie.
- The CORRECT UNIFORM is to always be worn to and from school.
- BLAZERS are compulsory on the first day of term 1 and term 4. Due to the warmer weather during these two terms, they are only required for Assembly and as requested for special events such as prize giving, school exchanges and photos. They should be worn every day during terms 2 & 3.
- SCARVES can be worn but they must be a WBHS uniform scarf – either the school or supporter’s scarf.
- Other clothing items are not permitted to be worn visibly under clothing, e.g., tops, t-shirts