Westlake Boys High School

All students to start on 29th January 2025

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Who are we?
The Westlakers organisation is a registered Charitable Trust, with a committee who meet once a month.

What do we do?
Our primary purpose is to grow the number of old boys (or Westlakers) who are connected with the school, and connected with each other. This involves a calendar of events such as reunions, and sporting fixtures such as our annual Golf Day.

We also have a programme in place which allows Westlakers to give back to the school in the form of financial aid to students who experience financial hardship.

The Westlakers $100 Club raises funds that are used to assist deserving students whose current financial situation might otherwise exclude them from taking part in school activities that will help them progress their talents, whether academic, sporting or cultural.

Giving back
Time, talent, treasure!

As a Westlaker you can get involved by:

  • ​attending a reunion, school sporting or cultural event
  • helping year 13 students with work experience through our Gateway programme or Openground
  • speaking to students - at an event, in assembly or to a small group
  • donate - to the Westlakers $100 Club

Westlakers website
The term Westlakers refers to the group of past students and staff who have studied or been employed at Westlake Boys High School, our alumni. 

Our members-only website enables Westlakers to stay connected and, if they wish, to give back to the school, so that the culture of brotherhood and belonging extends beyond their years of attending or teaching at secondary school. 

Members can privately message old school friends, browse through the business hub, register for advertised Westlaker events, access the school archives, and edit their personal school profile.  All information retained on the website is confidential, is never shared with third parties, and at no time are Westlaker email addresses available to view by any member. 

The Westlaker online community has in excess of 23,000 members, and counting, and the site is managed by the Development Office whose goal remains to support the connected, positive and engaged participants.

Current committee

President – Dave Smithson (1986-89)
Treasurer – Tony Sands (1980-83)
Secretary – Blair Moore (1978-81)

Committee –
John Penberthy (1995-99)
Simon Farland (1986-90)
Clayton Coplestone (1980-84)
Jimmy O’Brien (1977-81)
Manu Withers (1985 – 1989)
Jarrod Beaman (1985 – 1989)