Careers Department
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What does the Careers Department Offer?

All students can book a careers appointment either by visiting the Careers Centre (now located in the Student Services building, opposite the Uniform Shop) or online via the careers website. Parents or caregivers are most welcome to attend these appointments if they wish and all career interview notes are added to Career Central for parents or caregivers to access at home. 

All Year 13 students are encouraged to seek advice early and Mr Berry will attempt to see each and every Year 13 student in his final year. 
Book an appointment HERE.

 Also available:

  • University presentations are regularly held at the Careers Centre including NZ tertiary institutions as well as visits from the USA, Australia and other international providers.
  • Visits to explore different pathways to organisations such as ETCO, BCITO, NZDF at Whenuapai and local Engineering firms.
  • Job Junction is a week in Term 3 where different Industry Training Organisations deliver lunchtime sessions discussing pathways in their trades. Providers include ATT – Plumbing, ETCO - Electrical, BCITO – Building and NZ Marine and Composites – Boat Building and others.
  • During Term 3 we assist students with completion of course enrolments, accommodation and scholarship applications.
  • Work experience placements to gain an insight into specific roles.
  • Advice on job hunting and CV writing.

Westlake Careers Website​​​

Career Central

In addition to the information-packed Westlake careers website, the team utilise a careers tool called Career Central. On this students are able to do career research and planning, quizzes to help them narrow down what they will do when they leave school, write a CV and cover letter and much more. All students will receive 4-6 lessons per year on Career Central in their Virtute sessions. The boys will have this as part of their career exploration and pathway planning, following them through to Year 13. It is also a great place for them to record and keep track of all of the activities they have been involved with while at Westlake so they are able to include these on their CV. Make sure you ask your son what he has been doing on this. It is a great place to start for parents and caregivers having career conversations with their sons.

 Career Central 


Gateway is a subject choice at Year 13 and offers each student the opportunity to explore a pathway. As part of Gateway, boys will attend a work experience placement with an employer. They will also research their career pathway, write CV’s and cover letters and prepare themselves for the world of work. 

​You can find more information on our careers website.


STAR Courses

These courses usually run in the school holidays and students can register for these via the Careers Website or discussing with Ms Suhardiman in the Careers Centre. 

  • Cyber Security/Programming
  • Audio/Music Production
  • Barista, Café Server and Café Cooking
  • Animal Care
  • First Aid (certificate valid for 2 years)
  • Barbering
  • Game Design, Intro to on-screen acting

Other courses may be available to meet the interests of students.

You can find more information on our careers website.

STAR Courses

HOD Careers/Careers Practitioner

Mr Andrew Berry 

Contact: 09 410 8667 ext 5267 or e-mail: [email protected] 

Gateway Co-ordinator

Mrs Helen Martin

Contact: 09 410 8667 ext 5258 or e-mail: [email protected] 

Careers and STAR Administrator

Ms Magdalena Suhardiman (Lina)

e-mail: [email protected]