Westlake Boys High School

All students to start on 29th January 2025

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Te Whānau o Te Puna
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate

Te pepehā

Ko Rangitoto te maunga

Ko Waitematā te moana

Ko Ngāti Paoa te mana whenua

Ko Te Puna te whare

Ko Te Puna te papa kainga

Ko Te Kura Tuarua o Ngā Taitamatāne o Ururoto te kura

Te Whānau Rūmaki 

Ko te tino take o te kaupapa rūmaki, kia tino mārama ai ngā tauira ki ngā tini āhuatanga me ngā tikanga e pā ana ki tō tātou ao Māori.

Te Whānau Rūmaki o Te Puna aims to provide a learning environment where students will realise their aspirations and the dreams of their tūpuna.  Students will be encouraged to have pride in their language and their culture.

Ngā Tino Whainga o Te Whānau Rūmaki o Te Puna

  • Competence in written and spoken Māori and genuine respect for Te Ao Māori
  • Instill in student’s respect for their own ahurea and beliefs and the ahurea and beliefs of other students in Te Puna and Westlake Boys High School
  • Achievement at all levels across all subjects through the supportive networking of Te Puna kaiako 
  • Competent global citizens confident in being Māori in this ever-changing world

Conditions of entry into Te Whānau Rūmaki o Te Puna

  1. Every applicant will have an interview with Te Kaihautū o Te Puna or another designated kaiako from Te Puna
  2. Every applicant must have had some experience in a Māori medium setting
  3. Whānau must support the language learning aspirations of the applicant
  4. Every applicant and their whānau must create an action plan for supporting the language aspirations of the applicant in the home. Who currently can support the language aspirations of the applicant now?
  5. Any support references from kaumātua, kuia, kaiako, whānau members that can support the application

If the applicant is successful, then the following will apply.

  1. Whānau and students will attend a compulsory whānau hui once a term
  2. Successful applicants will attend compulsory academic wānanga, reo Māori and tikanga wānanga
  3. All students of Te Whānau Rūmaki o Te Puna will study Te Reo Māori and Māori Performing Arts to Year 13.
  4. All rūmaki students will adhere to the tikanga of Te Whānau Rūmaki o Te Puna and Westlake Boys High School.

*Please note, if there are more applicants than places, priority will be given to students with experience in a Māori medium setting or applicants whose whānau will support the language aspirations of the applicant.  

Te Kauri

Te Kauri is the mentoring programme developed for students in Te Whānau o Te Puna. The Te Kauri programme is a mentoring programme which is underpinned by Tikanga Māori. All kaiako of Te Puna care for a year group and they work with that group throughout the year.



  1. The Te Kauri mentoring program will be underpinned by Tikanga Māori. 
  2. The program is planned and implemented collaboratively to ensure commitment and sustainability.
  3. The program is responsive to the culture and needs of our young Māori men
  4. The Te Kauri mentoring program will include ongoing review and feedback from ākonga, whānau and kaiako to inform program evaluation.
  5. The Te Kauri mentoring program is integrated within other structures for professional collaboration and learning at Westlake Boys High School (Ako, Tātai ako, Ka Hikitia’)
Te Ao Haka - Māori Performing Arts

All students can take Māori Performing Arts from Year 10 through to NCEA Level 3. Westlake is the only school on the North Shore to offer Te Ao Haka a university approved subject. 2022 also is significant as Te Ao Haka is now an approved subject for university.  Te Puna offers 3 University approved courses; Te Reo Māori, Te Reo Rangatira and Te Ao Haka.

Over 100 students have taken Māori Performing Arts, reinforcing MPA as one of the most popular subjects.  Māori Performing Arts has continued to grow in strength, with the boys returning to Polyfest after a 2 year break, winning Haka and weaponry and placing 5th overall. The Westlake schools will be hosting Te Ahurea Tino Rangatiratanga Competition in 2022 the first time this significant event has been on the North Shore.  

Te Ohu Māori

Over the last 5 years, a strong whānau support group has developed, fully engaged in supporting students at Westlake Boys High School.  Te Ohu Māori is a group that meets directly with Mr Ferguson and Mr Nichols the Chairperson of the Westlake Boys High School Board of Trustees. Te Ohu Māori meet monthly and is open to all whānau.

Whaea Euphymya Lavelle is our elected voice on the Westlake Boys High School Board of Trustees and is she is an active supporter of Te Puna. 

The whānau support the learning of our students at Westlake and are an important essential part of the Te Puna whānau. 

Whānau and kaiako are looking forward to the building of the new ‘Te Puna’ Kei whea mai!

No Reira!

Te Puna will āwhina, tautoko and manaaki your son, mokopuna, nephew during their time at Westlake Boys. 

Please do not hesitate to contact any of the Te Puna kaiako if you have any questions about enrolment, subject choices, learning support, sports and activities.

No reira whakapaatu mai! Contact us!

Matua Johnny Waititi - Te Kaihautū o Te Puna[email protected]
Whaea Clare Nasey - Te Pouarahi Māori – Māori Dean
[email protected]
Matua Jordan Tua - Kaiako o Te Reo Māori
[email protected]
Whaea Lea Rust - Kaiako o Te Reo Māori  
[email protected]
Whaea Nikki Masaga - Kaiako o Te Reo Māori [email protected]
Matua Taimana Iverson - Kaiako o Te Reo Māori [email protected]
Whaea Ruth Pearson - Kaiako o Te Reo Māori [email protected]
Matua Lelia Masaga - Kaiako o Te Reo Māori [email protected]
Matua Michael Wassell - Kaiako o Te Reo Māori [email protected]