Westlake Boys High School

All students to start on 29th January 2025

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School Rules & Policies
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The school rules have been established in partnership with the community over a long period of time.  They reflect the school community’s expectations in terms of acceptable standards of behaviour, dress and personal presentation in the widest sense. Students as representatives of the School are expected to follow the school rules at all times when on the school grounds, representing the school, attending a school activity or when clearly associated with the school, i.e. when wearing school uniform.


Students have the responsibility:

  • To attend school regularly
  • To respect the rights of others to learn
  • To respect their peers and teachers regardless of ethnicity, religion or gender
  • To respect the property and equipment of the school and others
  • To carry out reasonable instructions to the best of their ability
  • To conduct themselves in a courteous and appropriate manner in school and in public
  • To keep the school environment and the local community free from litter
  • To observe the uniform code of the school
  • To read all school notices and bring them to their parents’/guardians’ attention



  1. School Uniform should be worn tidily and correctly both at school and between home and school. The full school uniform must be worn at all times. Shirts are to be tucked in and socks are to be pulled up. Where a situation arises concerning a student’s uniform, written requests for the temporary wearing of non-regulation items must be referred to a Dean or Senior Leadership.
  2. Students must wear shoes and socks when wearing school trousers. Sandals can only be worn with school shorts.
  3. Students are to be clean-shaven at all times while representing the school.
  4. No jewellery, except a watch or taonga Māori, is to be visible. Other jewellery of religious or cultural significance may be worn but should be covered. No piercings are allowed. In particular, clear plastic studs, or otherwise, used to maintain the piercing, are not allowed. Recognition of taonga Māori shall be referred to the HOF Māori or the Pouārahi Māori Dean if guidance is required.
  5. A student’s hair must be kept clean and tidy at all times. The length of the hair should not be shorter than a “number 2” razor cut. Hair should not be touching the shirt collar and should be off the face at all times. The style of the hair should not be extreme, including but not limited to mohawk, shaved styles and/or patterns, hair tied up and braided, horsetails and rattails. The colour must be the student’s own natural colour; no dye nor highlights are allowed.
  6. Students are not permitted to have visible tattoos, except for taonga Māori (tā moko).  In all instances, recognition of tā moko shall be referred to the HOF Māori or the Pouārahi Māori Dean. (Guidance about visible taonga Māori is included below these school rules)
  7. Make-up must not be worn. 


School Guidance around Visible Taonga Māori 
Visible taonga Māori may include tā moko, mau kakī, hei tiki and whakakai. 

  • Tā moko - defined as Māori tattooing traditional designs on the face or body done under traditional protocols.  
      Discussion should be held between the student’s whānau and the HOF Māori or Pouārahi Māori Dean.  This discussion will include a statement (written or verbal) from the whānau about why they consider that the visible tattoo is a tā moko.  The HOF Māori or Pouārahi Māori Dean will decide if the visible tattoo is a tā moko and inform the whānau. 
  • Mau kakī, hei tiki, whakakai – defined as a traditional Māori neck pendant.  
      Students, whānau and staff shall seek guidance from the HOF Māori or Pouārahi Māori Dean if clarification is required.



The following are not to be brought onto the school grounds:

  • Alcohol or drugs/chemicals in any form
  • Non-prescription medication
  • Cigarettes, tobacco, vaping equipment
  • Weapons nor any reasonable replica
  • Matches/ Lighters or any other flammable material
  • Pornographic or any other offensive materials



Mobile Phones 
Mobile phones will be permitted in school, given the following conditions:

  • Students will not be permitted to use mobile phones in the school grounds between 8.40 am and 3.10 pm.
  • Students will be able to use them on the way to and from school.
  • Students will be able to use them in class as learning devices with the permission of the teacher. Such permission must be sought and received before their use. 

If a student uses a mobile phone inappropriately, or in contravention of the school’s policy, it will be confiscated and returned to the student at the end of the next school day. If confiscated on a Friday, it will be returned at the end of that school day in exchange for a lunchtime detention (SCAB).

If a parent wishes to collect a confiscated phone from the school prior to the time indicated above, then they will need to contact the Senior Leadership Team.

Learning Devices (Laptops /Notebooks /Tablets)
Learning Devices will be permitted in school.

  • Students will be able to use them in class as learning devices, only with the express permission of the teacher.
  • Students will not be permitted to use devices in the school grounds during Interval and Lunchtime unless in an authorised venue.

If a student uses a device inappropriately, or in contravention of the school’s policy, he will be sanctioned accordingly. 

The security and protection, within reason, of the device will be the responsibility of the student.

Cyber Safety
There are times when inappropriate use of phones, devices and social media is brought to our attention. Students are expected to read the School’s Cyber Safety Agreement and abide by the conditions contained in the Agreement.



Any form, verbal, physical, cyber or by any other means of bullying, victimisation, intimidation or harassment of anyone is strictly forbidden. All incidents of bullying must be reported to a staff member, preferably one of the Deans or Senior Management.



It is the responsibility of every student in the school to ensure that the school is free from litter. Students are also encouraged to take responsibility for litter in their immediate vicinity and place any litter in the many bins placed around the school.

The property of the School, staff, students and visitors needs to be respected at all times. Theft and vandalism are strictly forbidden.

Damage of any kind must be reported immediately to Senior Management or Dean. In the case of wilful damage or negligence, boys will be expected to contribute part of or all of the cost of repair.




If you know your son is going to be absent for any reason, please contact the Attendance Office either via email to [email protected] or by phoning 09 410 8667 ext 5796 and leaving a message with the students name, form class, contact number and reason for the absence.  In the event of a medical absence of 4 or more days, the absence should be supported with a medical certificate.



All students must be at school by 8.45am. Latecomers must sign in at the Attendance Office before going to class to ensure they are not marked absence. Any lateness should be accounted for by their parent/caregiver with a reason.


Exeat Passes

Students are required to attend all classes and remain in the school grounds.  No student may leave the school grounds during interval or lunch without prior permission.  This includes collecting books/equipment from cars.  When leaving school during the day to attend dental/medical or similar appointments, the boys must be issued an early leave pass from the Attendance Office.   Early leave passes will only be issued after we have been notified by a parent/guardian.



Leave Applications

Parents, please consider carefully the effect on learning and consequences of asking for leave during school time.  The process of applying for leave is for parents/guardians to write to the School ([email protected]) at least 4 weeks prior to departure, notifying dates and reason for absence.  Each application is considered fully by the student’s teachers and Dean before being granted or otherwise by the Headmaster, but please note that justified leave may not be granted, other than bereavements or regional, national and/or international representative duties for a variety of extracurricular activities sanctioned by the School.



Any representative duties refer to instances where your son is either representing New Zealand, or representing WBHS at Regional or National Championships.


For New Zealand representative duties, confirmation of your son’s selection should be provided at the time of request for leave is made, with supporting documentation attached from the sporting body/organisation. Club representative events, and sporting events students are independently registered for will not be approved as justified leave.



All articles of clothing, shoes, books, bags and other personal property should be clearly marked with the owner’s name.  No responsibility can be accepted for the unmarked property. Boys losing or finding lost property should, in the first instance report to Student Services. The security of all valuable belongings brought to School by students remains the responsibility within reason of the student.



Boys using public transport should act responsibly and respectfully and are expected to follow all school rules. 

Bicycles are to be kept in the racks provided and boys are strongly advised to secure them with a lock.   Basic Traffic Department Road Safety Rules must be obeyed to and from school. Bicycles may not be ridden in school grounds. 

Motor Vehicles
Students wishing to bring motor vehicles or motorcycles to school must follow basic Traffic Department Road Safety Rules. Motor vehicles may not be parked on school grounds and are not to be used during the school day without the prior permission of one of Senior Management or Deans. Students who are using motor vehicles to get to school, must register the details of their vehicle with the School