Westlake Boys High School

All students to start on 29th January 2025

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Health Centre
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Westlake Boys High School Health Centre is committed to providing a high standard of care for our students and staff. We pride ourselves on building rapport with the students to gather the correct information for the best assessment and care.

Keeping Westlake Boys Healthy

Guided by our commitment to health and wellbeing, Westlake Boys Health Centre welcomes all our boys and staff into our facility. We help assess the medical needs of our students and staff to facilitate the appropriate care and services.

Westlake Boys Health Centre considers the wider determinants of biopsychosocial, which focusses on all holistic aspects of the student. Medical conditions are simply not caused by biological factors, but also psychological and social factors.

At Westlake Boys Health Centre we support Te Whare Tapa Wha/The Maori Model of health as it incorporates Taha tinana (physical health), Taha wairua (spiritual health), Taha Whānau (family health) and Taha hinengaro (mental/psychological health/emotional).

Services provided by Westlake Boys Health Centre
  • Physiotherapy services
  • Management of accidents and illness
  • Wound care (including burns)

Physio In Schools is a satellite service that provides onsite care during opening hours, term time only. Bookings can be made within the health centre or by phone. Bookings are available from 8am-3.30pm. The physiotherapists onsite also assess students for accident-related injuries.

Students going home unwell or injured

Illness - If a student is sick at school

If a student is, or becomes, sick/injured at school, they are advised to present to the School Health Centre.
The Health Centre has a duty of care to look after unwell/injured students. The parent/caregiver may be contacted to collect a student from school by the Health Centre Staff. When the parent/caregiver collects their child the Health Centre staff will pass over the duty of care for the ongoing wellbeing and safety of the student.   

Students under the age of 14

  • are to be collected by a parent/caregiver from the school Health Centre at Gate 5
  • are not to leave school without a parent/caregiver collecting them from the school Health Centre.

Students that are over the age of 14, who

  • are unwell and deemed fit enough, can leave school independently. A parent/caregiver needs to give prior written or verbal permission to the Health Centre staff. 
  • are considered well enough to take their own vehicle and can do so with prior written parent/caregiver permission.
  • are deemed not well enough to leave independently (after the Health Centre staff assessment) must be collected by a parent/caregiver and not depart independently.
  • are injured and further assessment is believed necessary, must be collected by the parent / caregiver. The Heath Centre staff will inform parent/caregivers if it is recommended the student needs to see a doctor.

A school phone will be used to call the parent/caregiver using the contact details from KAMAR. Permission allowing students to make their own way home will be verified between the Health Centre staff and the student’s parent/caregiver, and that permission must be verified in writing by return email.  

As part of enrolment into Westlake Boys, a student health information form is completed. Completing and signing this form provides Health Centre Staff permission to administer Paracetamol, Ibuprofen, antihistamine and throat lozenges. Administration of these specific medicines will only occur if needed for the wellbeing of the student as part of their healthcare treatment and after a health assessment by the Health Centre Staff.  

Health assessment of students 

Every student has the right to call their parent / caregiver while in the Health Centre, and discuss options for treatment and also going home, with the input from Health Centre staff. Students will be assessed to decide if home is the best outcome. 

All students will be asked for how long they have had symptoms of their presenting illness. 

Approval to go home will be made after parent / caregiver verbal consent, and after a Health Centre Staff assessment/clinical decision. 

As per Westlake Boys High School policy: 

After treatment

After treatment, an injured or ill student is monitored until they are able to return to class or leave the school.

  • The student may need to be collected by a parent/caregiver and signed out into their care.
  • If parents/caregivers/emergency contacts cannot be contacted or cannot collect a student who requires medical care, a staff member may need to take the student to a doctor or medical centre.
  • If a student is collected by ambulance, a staff member may accompany them, if appropriate.

Gate 5 (top entrance) first building on the left, next to the old Gym.


7.45am-3.30pm term time

Registered Nurse: Natalie Bryant RN (Lead Nurse)
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 021 221 5387
Phone: 09 410 8667 Extn: 5728

Sandi Linton-Price RN (Associate Nurse)
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: 021 142 0572
Phone: 09 410 8667 Extn: 5722