Westlake Boys High School

All students to start on 29th January 2025

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Why study drama?
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Why drama at all?

Drama & Theatre Arts provides students with the chance to explore both emotional and social literacy: key skills, which are needed to navigate the 21st Century work environment. 95% of the jobs in the English-speaking world rely on the “inter-personal nexus”: one person communicating with another, or to a group, successfully. Drama provides the context in which to explore such complexity, whilst also affording students the chance to explore their own identity and place in the world, through dynamic, exciting, and rich teaching contexts.

On a personal note, we'd like to thank you all so much for all you've done for our son. We know he's really enjoyed his time with you, and we've were amazed at how much he came out of his shell in your drama class - all the more remarkable as that's something that can't be 'taught' but is simply down to your perseverance and belief in, and encouragement of, him. 

So, thank you for all you've done. We feel very privileged that he has had such an outstanding teachers and mentors."

A Westlake Boys High School parent writes on the benefit of drama education.

I've just been accepted into the American Academy of Dramatic Arts (AADA) in LA, which is a big opportunity, and very exciting! I definitely would recommend Drama as a subject if you find acting interesting or want to give it a try. The department is awesome and the friends you make through taking drama and the performances you do together are moments you will never forget!" 

Lachlan McPheat, class of 2019, writing to Dr Brown in 2022.