Westlake Boys High School

All students to start on 29th January 2025

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House System
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The school has a house system, which was established in 2008. Every student is allocated to a house when he starts at Westlake.

The six houses are Hood (named after John Hood, Old Boy and former Vice-Chancellor of Oxford University), Murchison (named after Peter Murchison, a long-serving Deputy Headmaster), Smale (named after Bill Smale, local entrepreneur and Old Boy), Stanley (named after Mike Stanley, Old Boy and former World Champion rower), Ururoto (meaning Westlake in Maori) and Pupuke (the lake which lies to our east).

The houses compete in a wide variety of events including athletics, swimming, cross country, charity collections, academic performance and the school haka - photos of the House Haka competition are below.

The house system generates pride and passion for Westlake and a sense of ownership for boys who attend Westlake. The house system also contributes to the promotion of competition among the students